This decision exposes the real Obama and smacks of Stalinism. It is a fine example of the Socialist jackboot in action. So much for unifying America. So much for reaching across to the other side of the political divide. So much for unifying red and blue states. It is glaringly obvious that Barack is incapable of taking criticism. In recent weeks he has lambasted Sean Hannity of Fox News. Hannity has dared to question the credentials of the Messiah.
Obama has benefited from the overwhelming support of the media in this campaign. CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC,MSNBC have provided overwhelmingly favourable comment. In short the electronic media and print media have heavily favoured Obama. This is unhealthy in a democracy. It has deified Obama. In general the liberal media has failed to subject the Obama policy platform to proper scrutiny. This cult of the leader would not be out of place in Stalinist Russia. Obama as a left wing Socialist obviously believes the propaganda of his supporters in the liberal media.
In all probability Obama if elected will attempt to take out Talk Radio. There have been threats from the Democrats that licenses would be withdrawn from radio stations, which carried ads from the NRA..
This has much in common with Castro’s Cuba and Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. No doubt both would approve of Baracks attempts to muzzle the media. Does Obama believe in free speech?