Monday, May 21, 2018

Amnesty International Canvassers using lies to promote abortion in Ireland-Vote NO

Sad to see a former great human rights organisation debase itself and support the killing of unborn children via abortion. Its founder Peter Benenson who was pro-life must be turning in his grave. The organisation is engaged in a misinformation campaign designed to mislead the Irish electorate into voting for liberal abortion in the referendum. This video provides clear cut evidence of the tactics being employed. Vote NO. If there is a YES vote abortion will be legal for any reason up to the 12th week of the pregnancy. Abortion will be available for up to 6 months on vague "health" grounds. The pro abortion campaign is engaged in a massive misinformation campaign which seeks to promote the view that this referendum is about womens' health. It is no such thing! In fact the issue of womens' health was dealt with under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013.

Thousands of perfectly healthy unborn children and handicapped unborn children will be put to death annually if there is a YES vote. Abortion on the basis of gender will also be legal. The pro- abortion campaign is using the hard cases argument in an effort to win the referendum. Unborn children irrespective of how conceived are innocent human beings.The rapists or those guilty of incest are not put to death but the pro- aborts believe that the innocent unborn child should be executed. Adoption is a better solution than abortion which further violates the woman.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pope Saint John-Paul II's WARNING on Abortion in Ireland

Pope Saint John-Paul II's prophetic words to the Irish people during his visit in 1979, resonate powerfully to this day. In the coming decades, he prophesied, satan would tempt/deceive Ireland away from the Faith to a false understanding of freedom especially in the areas of life and family. Almost 40 years on, under immense pressure from powerful forces at home and abroad, we are now voting on May 25th on whether to retain or repeal our pro-life 8th amendment to the Irish constitution, which acknowledges equal right to life to mother and unborn child, despite having one of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world, with not one single maternal death attributable to the 8th. The 8th is the jewel in the crown / thorn in the side of pro-life / repeal movements respectively and as such is every pro-life person's amendment, yours and mine.

If repealed, the government will legislate for unrestricted abortion to 12 weeks and to 24 weeks on similar mental health grounds to the 'social' abortion / mental health ground of the U.K.. As Pope John Paul II said: "Ireland must choose".

Sr. Briege McKenna O.S.C. last year in Knock Marian shrine, implored everyone to do their utmost to save the 8th. Mass and Fast for Ireland is a response to that appeal and an S.O.S. to Christians everywhere for prayer and fasting and to Catholics in particular, to have as many Masses offered in atonement, for conversions of hearts and protection of the 8th. Please visit Mass and Fast for Ireland or and download church poster. / Sr. Briege's prayer for the unborn....

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Maria Steen explains that a YES vote enables the Govt to legislate for abortion in astonishingly wide-ranging circumstances

Vote NO to prevent the introduction of a liberal abortion regime.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Bishop of Waterford Phonsie Cullinan-Vote NO in referendum on 8th Amendment to save unborn child

Celebrate Life Pastoral Letter.

It is not easy to speak about the up-coming referendum. But it is absolutely necessary. We will not get this chance again. It is about life and death. Every one listening to or reading this letter started life in the womb of his or her mother. We are reminded of this by our belly-button! – like all human beings, we were attached by a lifeline to the womb of our mother. I praise God for my mother. May you praise God for yours. May God bless all mothers.

We are social beings, always connected to others. The little baby in the womb, no matter how many weeks old, how feeble, or how he or she was conceived, is one of us, of our flesh, our brother or sister, a child of God. She or he shares the same humanity and human rights as all of us. The only difference between them and us is their tender stage of development. The first few weeks of pregnancy are the most rapid in terms of development. The heart starts beating just 21 days after conception. By week 8, the nervous system is responsive. A baby can kick and leap about in the womb and suck its thumb by week 12. All this happens before the mother’s bump is showing!

In our native language the word ‘unborn’ is translated – ‘beo gan breith’ which literally means – alive but not born. The genius of our own native tongue sums it up – alive but not yet born. The baby in the womb is alive and no one has the right, and can never have the right, to end this little human life. It is always wrong to intentionally do so. The command of God is crystal clear – “You shall not kill.” Nor do we have the right to vote to take a life. It is undemocratic. It is not fair.

I know that some of you listening to or reading this may have personal experience of abortion. My heart goes out to you. Please do not think that you are being judged. We all make mistakes and do things we regret. I do too. Let us learn from the hurts of the past. The healing and mercy of Jesus is always available. Since 1977, the staff and volunteers of Cure have been helping those in crises to find inner peace, courage and healing.

Our modern technological culture is becoming more and more individualistic and we risk becoming desensitised to the rights of the very old, the severely disabled and the baby in the womb. There is an old Jewish saying – “He who saves one life, saves the whole world”. Either every life counts or no life counts. To deliberately take one life is to undermine respect for every human life. In a recent survey 70% of GP’s stated they are opposed to being involved in carrying out abortions. It is a fact that maternity care in Ireland is one of the best in the world, better than in countries like the U.S. and U.K .where abortion is available on demand. Our constitution protects mother and baby equally. Can we love and show compassion to them both and not pit a mother against her child? The baby deserves our compassion too.

I believe there is a silent majority, including many young people, who instinctively know this. We all need to speak up for the truth.

Article 40.3.3 of our Constitution is now the only defence against the ruthless introduction of the deliberate and awful taking of innocent human life as happens in Britain and elsewhere. Today, in England and Wales 1 in 5 pregnancies are aborted. Over 185,000 abortions were performed in 2016. If the Eighth Amendment is repealed abortion legislation will follow and, within a few short years we can expect Ireland’s abortion rate to rise rapidly as it has in Britain and many other European countries. We will have abortion on demand. Let’s not make the same mistake here.

In the ballot box in this referendum your vote will determine whether many Irish babies live or die. This is the stark and uncomfortable reality.

This referendum is about the kind of Ireland we want to live in. Will we continue to be a country that welcomes and protects all human life, born and unborn, mother and baby alike? Therefore I am voting ‘NO’.

We did not create ourselves or give ourselves life. Life is a gift from God and comes into being through our parents. In the womb of our mother we were ‘beo gan breith’, alive but not yet born, craving more life and the chance to play our part in the world. Every baby deserves the same chance as ourselves – to live.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Apparition of Virgin Mary to Mirjana at Medjugorje on May 2, 2018

Message to Mirjana - May 2, 2018

Today, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana Soldo and gave the following message:
"Dear children, all that my Son, who is the light of love, has done and does, He has done out of love. Also you, my children, when you live in love and love your neighbors, you are doing the will of my Son. Apostles of my love, make yourselves little; open your pure hearts to my Son so that He can work through you.

With the help of faith, be filled with love. But, my children, do not forget that the Eucharist is the heart of faith. This is my Son who feeds you with His Body and strengthens you with His Blood. This is a miracle of love: my Son who always comes anew, alive, to bring life back to souls. My children, by living in love you are doing the will of my Son and He lives in you. My children, my motherly desire is for you to always love Him more, because He is calling you with His love. He is giving you love so that you may spread it to all those around you.

As a mother, through His love, I am with you to speak the words of love and hope to you - to speak to you the eternal words that are victorious over time and death - so as to call you to be my apostles of love. Thank you."