Monday, July 6, 2009

Picture:Iranian Martyr Neda was a Christian as indicated by the Cross

Neda was brutally murdered by so called Iranian security forces. This picture shows her wearing a crucifix and indicates that she was a Christian. Efforts have been made in some western quarters to imply that the opposition to Ahmadinejad only differed slightly in outlook from the regime. Nothing could be further from the truth. People of all faiths in Iran oppose the government. They are not seeking more Sharia, or reformed Sharia or better Sharia.
Now a question for many media organizations: Why was the cross cropped out of this picture?

Image via Jihad Watch via Politically Incorrect

1 comment:

rainywalker said...

Good question. Those who do such things have an agenda. Those who ask questions are a danger to the state. In Iran those were the first the government tried to silence. But the net, twitter, picture cell phones are now even to fast for total supression.