Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pennsylvania Video:Anti-Specter robocalls from National Republican Senatorial Committee-Meet Arlen

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has launched a robocall blitz against Republican turned Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter. Pennsylvania Democrats are reminded that President George W. Bush endorsed him in 2004 and that Specter angered labor unions recently by opposing a bill to make it easier for workers to form unions.


Anonymous said...

At this juncture, I really only have tangential thoughts related more to the fillibuster-proofing.

It was only a year ago, when calling for people to work together to act against the loss of our civil rights, that I encountered nothing more than lamentations from the Dems (voters, not pols of course). At that time so thoroughly were they disappointed with the newly elected Dem's (lead by House Speaker Pelosi) false-start to make good on their promises for real change, that voters felt the idea of a fillibuster-proof congress and Dem president was so improbable as to be considered a Black Swan in it's own right.

That's disenfranchisement/disempowerment of the populous for ya.

So, the slogan-jargon chanting began leading to the ugly debacle of campaigning last season. It left me feeling dirty and a lot of other folks.

Now, lo and behold, the Dems may have their impossible dream but the real, significant, pertinent question is left virtually unspoken.

What do they plan to do with it?

*Repeal the Patriot Acts
*Enforce FISA and end wiretapping of civilians
*Address illegal occupation of Iraq
*End prisoner abuses
*Habeas Corpus & Posse Commitatus
*Ensuring rule of law

I hear nothing but snores on these truly important constitutional issues from this party. Just more chanting.

Anyway, sorry John, I know this is a rant but seriously everybody is so preoccupied with bean counting and bickering they seem to be forgetting important things.

John Barry said...

Specter strikes me as being a political opportunist. In 1965 he switched from the Democrats to the Republicans. Now he is once more rejoining the Democrats.