Monday, January 26, 2009

Cuba:Fidel Castro hints that he will die soon-Could he die a Catholic?

Fidel Castro doesn't expect to be alive to witness the end of Obama's first term in office, says an article, written by the former Cuban president on an official government website."I have had the rare privilege of observing events over a long period of time. I get information and meditate carefully over these events. I don't expect to enjoy this privilege in four years, when Obama's first term in office concludes," Castro wrote.

The seven-paragraph essay discusses the inauguration and coming term of U.S. President Barack Obama, a topic he also addressed in an article published Wednesday. In Thursday's essay, Castro says that Obama "has transformed himself under the inspiration of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. to the point of becoming a living symbol of the American dream." "But despite noble intentions, there are still many questions to answer," Castro added, specifically pointing out the question of whether a capitalist system can protect the environment. (Sofia News Agency)

Presumably as a Communist Castro does not believe in a God or an after life. However in recent times there have been indications that this might be about to change.Restrictions on the Catholic religion have been eased. After Pope John Paul II's death in April 2005, Castro attended a Mass in his honour in Havana's cathedral and signed the Papal condolence book at the Vatican Embassy. As death approaches there appears to be an evolution in his thinking.
Perhaps Castro will abjure atheism and die a Catholic.


rainywalker said...

My own belief is no matter how despicable a human has been in life or history, way down deep inside someplace is just a liitle bit of good. But this will not be for me to decide, I just get to think about it. We're not the one with the gavel.

Anonymous said...

Fidel Castro is 82 years old. From what I read, he was baptized and attended Catholic schools. The cause of social justice is something many Catholics value and I am sure both his cultural background and political interactions have influenced his life in profound ways.

Unknown said...

Was Wrong Now Fidel? The Evil One Awaits one of his favorite sons. There Poor Fidel will fond out what he has always known! The after life appointment with Satan himself. There he will burn in hell for eternity!