Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yellowstone Super Volcano Eruption could destroy mankind

Yellowstone National Park holds one of the world's largest super-volcanoes. Scientific research has shown that the ground is 74cm higher than it was in 1923. The reservoir is filling rapidly with magma.The upward movement of the Yellowstone caldera floor has been 7 centimeters per year for the past three years. This supervolcano has regular eruption cycles of 600,000 years. The last eruption was 640,000 years ago. So the human race is living on borrowed time. The Yellowstone Volcano could erupt with 10,000 times the force of the explosion at Mount St. Helens in 1980.

What are the likely effects of the eruption of the Yellowsone supervolcano ? Bill McGuire, professor of geohazards at the Benfield Greig Hazard
Research Centre at the University College of London told the UK
Daily Express that magma would be flung 50 kilometers into
the atmosphere. Within a thousand kilometers virtually all life
would be killed by falling ash, lava flows and the sheer explosive
force of the eruption. One thousand cubic kilometers of lava would
pour out of the volcano, enough to coat the whole USA with a layer
5 inches.He adds that it would once again bring "the bitter cold of Volcanic Winter to Planet Earth. Mankind may become extinct." (Source:UnMuseum)

Yellowstone supervolcano would blast so much ash and sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere that it would blot out the sun, causing a catastrophic drop in the Earth's temperatures. This would not just be confined to North America . Its effects would be felt in Europe. Crop growing would become impossible. Many would die from starvation as key world breadbaskets such as the Prairies of North America , the Steppes of Russia, East Anglia and the Paris Basin could no longer grow grain crops. Similarly grass growth would cease. World economies would be devastated. The Earths population would be decimated. Scientists and geologists who monitor the volcano see no major threat of a catastrophic eruption in the immediate future. Hopefully they are correct.


rainywalker said...

Your article is well founded and we are lucky here on Earth to have many volcano fields around the world. The majority of mankind and possible all could be decimated by the Yellowstone volcano. According to many scients the last eruption killed some species but the main ones around for 250 million years survived.
Mars does not have plates like the Earth and is more like a hard egg. But there is one volcano just like the one in Yellowstone that hasn't eruped for awhile. The last time it erupted it levels a large area of the Mars surface and therefore shows no sign of meteorite impact.
But Yellowstone or another volcano somewhere in the world could and will cause a volcanic winter on Earth. The big question is how long will it last. We humans have far more to worry about than man-made global warming here on Earth. See my latest blogs on the Earth's magnetosphere and plague.

L Lawliet said...

Ok am i like the only person in the world that actually thinks mankind should go extinct AND is exited about Yellowstone erupting? I'm not exactly a fan of the human race. Also i bet the pole shift thing is total bullshit.

L Lawliet said...

Pyroclastic flows rock man they are awesome!

L Lawliet said...

Like for some reason I like deadly things... I'm such a weirdo