Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Video:94% of Catholic House Democrats voted for taxpayer funded abortion in Obama healthcare

94 percent of Catholic House Democrats voted to kill children with your tax dollars. In simple figures 127 Catholic Democrat Reps out of a total of 136 voted for taxpayer funded abortion. These are Catholic in name only.
This has been the biggest expansion in abortion since Roe V Wade.Catholic Planet outlines the implications for Catholic politicians.
Catholics who promote abortion are automatically excommunicated for two reasons. First, they have fallen into the sin of heresy by believing that abortion is not always gravely immoral (canons 751 and 1364). Second, these Catholics are providing substantial assistance for women to obtain abortions by influencing public policy to make abortions legal, and to keep abortions legal, and to broaden access to abortion. Those who provide such substantial assistance commit a mortal sin and incur a sentence of automatic excommunication (canon 1398).
Pro-life Democrats are now as scarce as icebergs in the Sahara Desert. The Democratic Party represents the Culture of Death. The article Pro Life Democrats RIP written by William McGurn analyses the demise of the pro-life wing in the Democrat party. Its subheading "Bart Stupak's vote for the health bill shows that in the end you can't count on prolife Democrats" is highly apposite.

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