Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Declares War On The New York Times - 2/2/09 ("Its War Absolute War")

Below is an excerpt from a New York Times editorial titled The Nativists Are Restless. It attacks Bill O'Reilly and imputes racist motives to him. Naturally he has taken umbrage at the imputation of racism. He has declared war on the New York Times with the words "Its War Absolute War"
It is easy to mock white-supremacist views as pathetic and to assume that nativism in the age of Obama is on the way out. The country has, of course, made considerable progress since the days of Know-Nothings and the Klan. But racism has a nasty habit of never going away, no matter how much we may want it to, and thus the perpetual need for vigilance.

It is all around us. Much was made of the Republican mailing of the parody song “Barack the Magic Negro,” but the same notorious CD included “The Star Spanglish Banner,” a puerile bit of Latino-baiting. It is easily found on YouTube. Google the words “Bill O’Reilly” and “white, Christian male power structure” for another YouTube taste of the Fox News host assailing the immigration views of “the far left” (including The Times) as racially traitorous...

1 comment:

rainywalker said...

When Ronald Reagan was president he let all the "illegals"[few inside the beltway use this word] become citizens. Should you find me to be wrong on this, please call me on it.
Bill O'Reilly is not a racist, but he is part of the "white Christian male power structure." It appears he has mellowed some in the past year and since coming on FOX. From over here it appears that O'Reilly exploits stories to keep his ratings high. That does not make him one of my favorites. My television has many channels but it stays on MSNBC and FOX during the week and CNN is included on the weekend because they have some news [most biased]. All three get my ear, but most of my news comes unedited from online.