Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rwanda (English Version): A shocking video-Clinton amongst other world leaders turned a blind eye

According to an article in The Atlantic by Samantha Power of Harvard (and author of a Pulitzer Prize-winning book on America's role in combating genocide), "staying out of Rwanda was an explicit U.S. policy objective." She expressed these opinions long before she became an Obama adviser.

Hillary Clinton claims that she argued for the use of US troops. There is no impartial evidence of this. Once more Hillary's foreign policy claims go up in smoke.
Between 800,000 and one million people died in the genocide.

1 comment:

An Expression of the American Mind said...

I was shocked by your video. I have not seen many of the stills and seeing them only inspires me to work harder to being about justice for those people.

Perhaps you might like to join my facebook group, "Justice for Rwanda". I'm trying to hold the Clinton's accountable for abandoning Rwanda.

Anyway, thank you very much for posting the video.


Justice for Rwanda @